Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Atkins Crustless Chicken Pot Pie – Low-Carb Comfort Food Done Right

Chicken Pot Pie is a favorite of my family.  When I go low-carb, I can still get it for my kids, but up until now that’s been a no-no for me.  With the new line of frozen dinners from Atkins that are low-carb, the one I looked forward to the most after I first saw it was the Crustless Chicken Pot Pie.

Premium white meat chicken breast, broccoli & cauliflower florets, spinach and julienne carrots in a sherry & herb cream sauce.

Preparation is easy.  I slit the film then popped it in the microwave for 3 minutes on HIGH.  It then got stirred and went back in the microwave for an additional 2 minutes on HIGH.  After that, it sat for a minute before being taken out.  It looked nothing like the cover of the box when it did.

The idea seems to be this is like the filling of a chicken pot pie without the crust.  Honestly, it does pretty good.  I wasn’t crazy about the little bits of chicken.  These were small pieces that didn’t seem to have much substance to them.  The chicken pot pies I get have chunks of chicken and vegetables in them, so there it sort of missed the mark.  However, the chicken was quite tender and good.  After being stirred, the broccoli pretty much fell apart.  The broccoli and the sauce dominated the flavor of the dish.  I liked the sauce and the flavor, so overall my experience with this was a positive one.

Nutritionally, this fares pretty well.  There’s 330 calories in the entire 9-ounce bowl.  Of that, 200 calories are from fat.  That works out to 22g of fat or 34% of the recommended daily value.  Of that, 10g are saturated fat or 50% of the recommended daily value.  There’s also 880mg of sodium which represents 37% of the recommended daily value.  If you’re following a low-carb diet, there’s just 5g of net carbs in the dinner.

I’ll definitely get Atkins Crustless Chicken Pot Pie again.  It had a good taste, although I didn’t think it was terribly similar to the filling I have in chicken pot pie.  The chicken chunks could be a little bigger, but other than that I was pretty happy with it.

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