I was introduced to Rumple Minze by a boyfriend in the late 80's. We used to go to a club and drink iced shots of it. It fast became my favorite drink.
Here I am more than 10 years later, married, mom of three, and I still love Rumple Minze. I actually introduced it to my husband when we were dating, and now we keep a bottle in the freezer at all times. It doesn't freeze since it is 100 proof, but keeping it that cold makes it very smooth and tasty.
The strong scent of peppermint greets you as soon as you open the bottle. I swear this clears my sinuses better than vapo-rub, though I wouldn't recommend spreading it on your kid's chest. As you pour it out, you'll notice that it is syrupy and thicker than many other liquors. It is crystal clear as well, and as it's sitting in the glass it gives the impression of looking through a flawless ice-cube.
The taste is very strong peppermint, which is why I like to drink it fast in a shot. If you have a cold, it will clear you sinuses!
Since the stuff is best as cold as you can get it, I do recommend that it be kept in a freezer. This saves from having to water it down by adding ice-cubes to it after it's poured, and yet it remains cold for quite some time. If you're like me and do shots, that probably won't matter. However, if you prefer to sip Rumple Minze, this is a way of keeping it cold for some time without diluting it.
The most wonderful thing in the world after a day out in the snow or cold is to come in and have a shot. I feel all warm inside - more than cocoa can ever hope to accomplish. It would also be good as a dessert liquor similar to sambuca.
Originally posted at Epinions.com
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