Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Safer Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer Review: Tough on Bugs, Easy on Your Plants

I am a fanatic on my garden. I even drive my landscaper nuts. It's just one of those hobbies that I latched onto that I really enjoy (too bad I can't do that with housecleaning, huh?). 

Every year I am looking for new and improved ways to enhance my garden - especially where the vegetables are. I want to be extra careful there because we are talking about stuff we are going to be eating. My biggest problems seem to come from aphids. Already this year they are chewing the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of my cucumber plants. 

The Safer product line has always been my first choice for pest control, mainly because I have never come away with surprises from them. Their labels are clear about use, misuse, and effects, both positive and negative. As pest control goes in general, insecticidal soaps are one of the mildest forms of chemical pest control there is. The active ingredient isPotassium Salts of Fatty Acids and only makes up 2% of the product. The remainder is inert ingredients. 

I love Safer Insecticidal Soap. It is gentle on plants, yet gets rid of those pesky aphids. I tried using regular dish detergent and water in the past, as suggested by a friend, but while it may have reduced the number of pests, it didn't get rid of them. Safer Insecticidal Soapkills aphids, earwigs (another big problem around here), grasshoppers, harlequin bug, leafhoppers, mealybugs, mites, plant bugs, psyllids, sawfly larvae, soft scales, spider mites, squash bug, blossom thirps and whiteflies. This means it is safe for "good" garden insects such as the ladybug and praying mantis. 

After spraying the Safer Insecticidal Soap to a soaking level, it leaves a coating on plant's leaves that keeps the insects at bay. It stopped the bugs on my cucumber plants this year and they are making their comeback. Safer Insecticidal Soap can be used up until the day of harvest, so there is no need to worry about it's effects on your vegetables. There is no scent associated with Safer Insecticidal Soap, so your garden won't stink. 

Safer Insecticidal Soap is safe for use on roses, flowers, fruits, vegetables, houseplants, trees, shrubs, and ornamentals. It should not be used on euphorbias, gardenias, or delicate ferns. The label advises testing sensitivity on azaleas, begonias, camellias, fuschias, impatiens, jade plants, and palms. I would advise a test spray on just about any plant. I nearly killed my walnut tree once using a spray that didn't have a warning on it not to use on nut trees. Only after contacting the manufacturer did I find out that it shouldn't be used on a walnut tree. 

Safer Insecticidal Soap must be reapplied every 5-7 days to stay effective. Depending on the size of your garden, this can end up being a lot of work, as well as costing plenty. 

If you accidentally get some on your skin, Safer Insecticidal Soap should just be washed off. In general, you will not see a reaction since the formula is so very mild. However, if you do notice a rash or irritation on the skin area, you should contact your doctor. 

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